For the benefit of our interstate and overseas visitors here are some of the road rules you will encounter during your stay in Victoria. This is not an exhaustive list for that you should go to the following web sites.


VicRoads :   



It is widely acknowledged that Victorian has some of the most stringent speeding rules in the world. The Road Safety (General) Regulations 2009 includes a tolerance for speeding offences. 


This tolerance deducts two km/h from a vehicle’s detected speed for fixed digital safety cameras. For mobile cameras, a tolerance of three km/hr or three per cent for speeds over 100 km/h is deducted.

Police can also apply an additional tolerance at their discretion. 

Victoria has speed limit zones of 110, 100, 80, 70, 60, 50 and 40 Km/h 

Suburban streets have a speed limit of 50 Km/h unless otherwise posted

For Country roads, the default speed limit is 100 km/h

signed school zones are 40 Km/h during school days between the hours of

8.00 am – 9.30 am

2.30 pm – 4.00 pm

Fixed red light cameras as well as fixed and mobile speed (safety) cameras are used extensively in Victoria.


U-turns can be made at traffic lights in Victoria, unless a sign explicitly prohibiting the same is put up at the light.

The simple rule to remember for U-turns is to give way to all other vehicles and pedestrians. This includes giving way to vehicles turning left from a slip lane at the intersection or a side street.

Bike Racks

Car owners are advised not to leave empty bike racks attached to their vehicles while driving in Victoria as this can incur a fine. Carrying a bike rack with a bicycle in it is permitted however the number plate must be visible at all times. 



  • Before entering, indicate as you normally would – left to turn left, right to turn right, no indicator if you’re going straight.
  • When you exit the roundabout, indicate left if practicable.

Passing Emergency or enforcement vehicles

When emergency or enforcement vehicles are displaying red, blue or magenta lights, or sounding their alarm, drivers must:

    • safely approach the scene at a speed that allows you to easily stop if needed before passing the vehicle
    • give way to any emergency or enforcement worker on foot in the vicinity
    • not drive past or overtake the vehicle at a speed of more than 40km/h
    • not increase speed until you’re a sufficient distance past the vehicle and not cause danger to any worked in the vicinity.


This rule applies despite any other road rule and applies regardless of whether the incident is deemed an emergency or not.

here are the links to websites that list the road rules in detail


VicRoads :